A DnD DM Helper

Roll For Initiative!

The Best Spring Break Ever This was a passion project that came to life in a time of great uncertainty. Covid-19 broke out and my status as a part time Team Lead at Lambda School decided that there would be an optional break for students. This meant that they wouldn’t... [Read More]

Salty Hackers

Sentiment Analysis on Internet Trolls

Prepare For Salt This project was awesome, it has been my favorite thus far. I was given the task of giving a sentiment analysis for individual comments of Hacker News users. One of the problems with this project was that I had to give a sentiment analysis on something that... [Read More]

I Have a Recommendation!

A Cosine Similarity Adventure

Full Disclaimer! The only Cannabis product I have ever used was when I bought some CBD oil from Mesquite while driving back form Las Vegas. I have never actually smoked or ingested anything with THC. With that being said, this project might not make sense to someone who is unfamiliar... [Read More]