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The only Cannabis product I have ever used was when I bought some CBD oil from Mesquite while driving back form Las Vegas. I have never actually smoked or ingested anything with THC. With that being said, this project might not make sense to someone who is unfamiliar with a simple recommendation system through Cosine Similarity. How could I know how to make a good recommendation? I don’t have to!

What I Did

This was my first cross functional team project and I had an absolute blast, I primarily designed the flask app and I helped created a pickled dictionary of recommendations using Cosine similarity on this dataset. The simple way for me to explain how this works is by painting a picutre of multi-dimensional space in your mind. In data science, every column is called a feature and every feature can be viewed as a dimension in which the data can move through “space”. Not the space around us, but the space on your computer. With that being said, to make multiple features I had to tokenize the description feature to get a list of words for every strain in the dataset. Each word is its own dimension and when a user would like a certain strain, I would return the five closest strains based on their angular measurments in multi-dimensional space… Cheech and Chong couldn’t have made a better sounding model in giving a high class recommendation for Cannabis strains!

This is an example of what the recommendation system gives to my front end through my custom API. If a user likes the strain ‘100 og’ this is the json file I give the web team when they send the string to this route https://mc-ds-output.herokuapp.com/strain/100-og