The Best Spring Break Ever

This was a passion project that came to life in a time of great uncertainty. Covid-19 broke out and my status as a part time Team Lead at Lambda School decided that there would be an optional break for students. This meant that they wouldn’t be doing an awesome build week and instead had to take their own initiative (pun intended) to make a project they could be proud of, if they wanted to.

What I Did

A student in my team wanted to make a DM helper application, we joined a bunch of web students and they had big promises about what they would do to help us out if we made them a super slick API. We delivered our product in a day or so but still no front end. Robert and I took it upon ourselves to make a full stack web application to go along with our API so that we could ride gloriously into the sunset of a great Spring Break with a great product. I have linked the GitHub for the original API and the site that does the same thing the API does but with better UI.