What Is This?

The choice to add this project to my portfolio was an easy decision. I have always loved space and the cosmos so when something from the unkown comes to visit, I want to know a little more about it. As far as the technological side of this stack goes, all credit goes to Tableau. I was very impressed with how intuitive and easy Tableau was to use I think of it as a data scientist in a box. However, there were some hiccups along the way. Even though Latitude and Longitude were present in the data, they weren’t the right data type that tableau accepts. I had to manually change them from a cummulative sum (which Tableau did automatically) to being a discrete measure that was read as a geographical representation of our Earth’s degrees. The dataset’s features were a little sparse and so everything that I gleaned was about as much as I could have done without having more dimensions to choose from. All in all, hat’s off to Tableau for a beautiful and elegant way to display unique insights about the data.